Our Ethos and goal is to create a creative inclusive environment supporting mental health, imagination and bringing community together whilst inspiring others
Mental health, inclusion and community support has a huge part of our Brand and ethos. We have over 12,000 likes on Brand Company Love Rara Ltd facebook and 2000 on Instagram(2021). Our company is full of love and laughter creating positive engagement with others. Did you know? A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
Your Love Rara programmes are with qualified coaches supporting and teaching resilience, methods to support anxiety and depression and personal growth.
With our volunteer projects we hope to create workshops designed to support children with mental health and wellbeing. These include but not limited to: Teen retreats, Teen study groups, Fundraising events, Yoga sessions, Workshops promoting Mental Health and wellbeing.
We aim to create a Blog and Podcast that is accessible to anyone through our website, this will be designed by teens for teens.
We are pathing the way for the next generation to get rid of the stigma that goes with mental health. We are teaching and training children and young people, giving them tools to support all their emotions and changes life brings.
Our Values
• Volunteering contributes to the vitality and capacity building of the community
• Volunteers and the professionals that support them are an integral component of the voluntary sector
• Honesty, integrity and fiscal responsibility are demonstrated in all areas of our work
• Diversity of community stakeholders are respected through the model of Cultural Competence and is reflected in policies and service delivery
• We believe sharing of experience and knowledge is the cornerstone of community and leadership development
Social Inclusion: To raise funding to organise and support inclusive environments for all children and adults to be able to access this service, this includes but not limited to children and adults with disabilities, disadvantaged households and diverse cultures within the local area. We want to continue to support local charities with fundraising events and spreading joy within the community.
Your Love Rara
Zara Grant
"Not only do I want to create a inclusive environment for all children and adults I want to inspire the next generation. With being homeless at the age of 16 and moving to the other side of the world when I was 19 I want to inspire and support young individuals and push and guide them in personal development.
I want to create jobs and apprenticeships for teens and young adults to build confidence and work within the creative/event industry/Mental Health& wellbeing industries, Your Love Rara wants to train and support and Mentor them to be successful individuals and inspire them to fulfil their job dreams. "
We will be working closely with Love Rara Ltd to fulfil these opportunities: Love Rara expertise is an entertainment experience through imagination and creativity. Our motto is “Making Magical memories” the ethos is to create parties and events for all individuals to create an inclusive environment and continue to support local communities and charities by enriching children and adults creativity and imagination through play.
Your Love Rara’s CIC work is split into two main areas: community serving and organization serving. Here are the volunteer roles within these program streams:
Administrators and Funding officers who will help with funding applications and research to our projects, also all administration and staffing issues.
Coaches qualified professionals who will be in charge of delegating jobs, roles and training also doing sessions with the mentors.
Mentors aged 16 years and over who will be running workshops, events, blog, podcast and marketing
Volunteers aged 12-25 years who will help with events, workshops and behind the scenes events and activities creating, and training in all Love Rara Brand projects.
Our Vision:
Our Mission:
Programmes and Roles:
Zara Grant Story:
Managing Director:
Zara Grant is a mermaid.
Not not many people can say that as an opening
line. But as a Qualified Swim Instructor and having been teaching children
and adults on how to become mermaids for over 5 years,
being a mermaid is just one of the many job titles Zara holds.
Zara was homeless at the tender age of 16 and at 19
years old she moved to the other-side of the world to Scotland from Australia,
where learning how to adapt and have no boundaries. Today, Zara is confident
in her skin (or fin!)
whilst empowering others to be just as unique.
Her motto is simply this - you can be anything you want to be if you put
your mind to it.
In January 2013, Zara established Love Rara Ltd. Love Rara is an events
company developed to create bespoke children's entertainment for parties
and Events within the North East of Scotland. Zara saw a gap in the market for
Children's entertainment and wanted to fully utilise her creative skills. 7 years later and employing 17 staff, Love Rara provides over 580 (2019) parties and events every year.
After seeing the success of Love Rara, Zara decided that she wanted to develop a program in which she could expand her core business idea of Love Rara but adapt it to work with young children. In February 2020 Love Rara Kidz was launched. Operating as a sister company and run by coaches, Love Rara Kidz teaches and develops confidence in children. Drama techniques and swimming are used to empower children and adults. To date, the Love Rara Kidz programm has over 120 participating pupils.
When Covid-19 struck and lockdown began in March 2020, Zara had the time to re-evaluate her life and goals. She asked herself one question - what was her ‘why’? Zara’s ‘why’ took form.
Zara wanted to create an inclusive, creative environment with no boundaries, a community where people can support one another and be who they want to be. She wanted to create a community in which she could create her own family and give positive impact within her own community.
And Zara’s ‘why’ took the form of Your Love Rara – a Community Interest company developed as a Not-For-Profit organization, with no limitations on who it supports.
Your Love Rara’s goal CIC is to
1)Create and host mental health and wellbeing workshops for children and young people.
3) Support the employment of local actors and actresses and create a programmed for young volunteers to be mentored and inspire the creative industry.
4) Provide magical visits to disadvantage children within the North East of Scotland, and to children with terminal illnesses, plus anyone heavily affected by Covid-19.
In Zara’s life her goal is to achieve what most people count as impossible but which Zara describes as “IM possible”. Zara feels strongly that everyone should feel loved and to be an important part of something.